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We WILL ANTICIPATE HEAVEN - Eternity with Christ
SEVEN Essentials for Finishing Well
Thanks for joining us as we navigate through the SEVEN Essentials for Finishing Well. If you haven't already, please DOWNLOAD (or purchase) the SEVEN Essentials Workbook. You can download the entire workbook or you can download each Essential as you work through the series.
Once you have the workbook, pray that God will inspire you through the study, then WATCH the short video as Dr Hal Habecker walks you through each Essential. If you have any questions as you work through the series, feel free to reach out to Dr. Habecker via this link.

You will make known to me the path of life;
In Your presence is fulness of joy;
In Your right hand there are pleasures forever (Psalm 16.11).
“Departures are all alike; it is the landfall that crowns the voyage.” C.S. Lewis, Letters to Malcolm
An essential part of one’s “Plan for the End” is the anticipation for heaven and eternal life with Christ. As one nears the end of life, thinking ahead is critically important. It’s just like taking a trip to a foreign country, which my wife and I have often done. In anticipation of that trip, we will spend lots of time discovering where we will be and making specific plans to see and experience as much as we can during the time of the trip we are about to take.
Robert Louis Stevenson has a quote I have always enjoyed; “There are no foreign lands; it is only the traveler that is foreign.”
While it is true that we have not yet traveled to heaven, it is also true that much has been written in the Scriptures to draw us towards it. Therefore, I’d like to suggest we invest time thinking through the following Scriptures in anticipation of heaven – both for ourselves and/or with loved ones who may be closer to heaven than we are. We can also celebrate in our spiritual imaginations what the saints of all ages and even our family members are already experiencing NOW in heaven.