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utilizing your talents
FINISHING WELL: Utilizing Your Talents
SUMMARY KEYWORDS mission, friendships, lead, sharpen, life, baseball, continue, network, teaching, coach, preaching, energized, aging, skills, gifts, involved
SPEAKERS Dr. Hal Habecker
I love to encourage older people to do the same thing at their age as they've always done in life. I come to life and preaching and teaching being with people. So everybody has something you you lead a company, you lead a family, you lead a network of friendships, you get involved in your church, you do something you love, you volunteer you coach baseball, but what is it in the heart of you? That energized you? So, is that an aging? What is your mission now? And why can I continue to sharpen those skills and those gifts? So if I don't understand God's mission for me, in my latter years, it's because I have stopped doing for Christ what I've done all along.